You must have given careful consideration to how you want to present your home both inside and out. I’ve provided some important advice on taking the greatest photos of your property to aid you in your attempt.

De-clutter! De-clutter! Reduce clutter! The airiness and openness of a space are highlighted in the greatest real estate photos. If the space is even slightly cluttered, it will be exceedingly difficult to communicate these attributes. Every room that will be filmed needs to be carefully cleaned and decluttered.

To store the extra furniture and trinkets, several sellers actually buy storage facilities. Hire a home stager if you need assistance in this area; they are worth the extra money and have the necessary skills.

Let in the sunshine! A room with dark furniture and no light creates a gloomy atmosphere. Buyers want a happy home, not one like the Addams Family, keep that in mind. Open the windows or use bright bulbs and floor lamps if the illumination is adequate. Giving your walls a fresh coat of paint wouldn’t hurt, and adding light-colored throw pillows can help balance out dark furniture. Most rooms can also benefit from a soft, light area rug.

Must conceal the view? Any unpleasant outside view will be hidden by semi-transparent drapes. Use this approach, then, whether a window faces a brick wall or your neighbor’s neglected garden shed.

Pay special attention to the bathrooms – Nobody wants to purchase a home with dingy bathrooms, so you must: lower the toilet lid; change the outdated shower curtain with a light, opaque one; add new towels and soaps; and replace the old shower curtain with a new one. Never hang towels over the shower curtain either; it looks crowded and disorganised.

Don’t Forget to Look Outside when prepping your property for real estate photos! The most crucial outside shot is the opening or main outside shot. This image serves as potential buyers’ initial introduction to your property; it is what catches their eye and motivates them to take a closer look.

Follow these straightforward guidelines to maximise your curb appeal:

Try to mow your lawn as soon as the photo shoot is scheduled;

Remove all items from the property that are obtrusive or pointless;

“Remove all cars from the yard or driveway;”

shut the garage doors;

Remove the trash cans and give your neighbours a temporary charge of keeping them;

weed flowerbeds, trim bushes, etc.;

Wash your walkways with a hose to remove oil spots from your driveway;

If you have a pool, make sure the water is crystal clear and the pool is quite clean.

You may have the photographs of your house speak tens of thousands of words about its lovely lawns, spacious interiors, and overall desirability by properly prepping it for Real Estate Photography.