Moving is no fun—but it doesn’t have to be horrible, either! If you know what you’re doing, it can be organized, orderly, and stress-free. That’s why we put together this ultimate guide on move management services when you move. Follow our tips from start to finish, and you’ll end up with an organized new place to call home in no time at all!

Hire Help If You Can Afford It

When it comes to packing up your household, you have a lot of options. You can do it yourself or hire someone to do it for you. If you’re going the DIY route, make sure you plan ahead and take care to store things properly so they don’t get damaged in transit.
If you decide to hire an experienced moving company, they’ll pack everything up using specialized materials that will ensure your possessions are protected during the move.

Schedule Your Time Wisely

If you’re looking to keep your sanity intact, it’s best to take things one day at a time. Try not to pack everything the night before you move. Pack only what you think you’ll need the next day and leave the rest in boxes.

Get Rid of What You Don’t Need

If you are packing, start by taking everything out of your cabinets and drawers. Sort through the items and get rid of anything that you don’t need or want to take with you in your new home. This will help reduce the amount of boxes needed to pack everything. Don’t forget about your attic, basement, garage, closets, sheds and other storage areas. The more space you can free up before moving day the better!

Create a Packing Strategy

Before packing, make sure you have a plan. Pack heavy items first, then lighter items. You will want to pack fragile items in the center of the box or item being packed. Wrap each item in tissue paper before packing to ensure no breakage occurs. Use a marker to label the box with what is inside so you know where it belongs when unpacked at your new home!